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This page is intended to help Tsunami USERS to resolve some common issues that usually appear with some special configurations.

My A1200 does not detect the fast ram

You will need to upgrade the kickstarts at least to 3.1 in order to use the fast ram, because kickstart <= 3.0 does not search for ram on the local cpu ram. Usually, the 8MB expansions have auto-config, so it’s telling the system that there is fast available at some address and the Workbench sees that fast. The tsunami does not have auto-config because uses local cpu ram (like the A3000/A4000), that’s why you need a kick 3.1>=.

My A1200 does not boot directly, it does if I set on the earlier-setup the option “boot without startup-secuence

This is related to the startup-sequence. We recommend that you first make a copy of the current startup-secuence, later, on the original one, start commenting lines until you identify the problem. Usually is related to kickstart patching.

My A1200 does not boot with the Tsunami plugged

This is a rare and very uncommon case. Usually, the edge connector of the A1200 get’s dirty, we recommend cleaning it with IPA (isopropyl alcohol). In some rare cases, the connector from the accelerator must be cleaned too, with the same product.

¿ What are the steps required to install the FPU onboard?

Each of the Tsunami’s boards has been provided with a user manual with instructions on how to install the FPU, in case you have lost or get broken, here is minimal setup instruction:

A Motorola 68882 50mhz FPU DIP. There is a footprint on board that allow that’s
named U3, a socket is recommended for FPU installation.

• Remove the jumper named NOFPU to enable the FPU once it has been installed.

• If you are going to overclock the FPU, you must install an oscillator at the U5 footprint, which can be DIL8, DIL14, or SMD. It must be 5V.

• To choose the clock signal for the FPU, you must select the internal clock from the CPU or instead external (if you place an oscillator at the U5 footprint). To accomplish this there is a jumper called J2 near U1 IC with the next logic.
Middle-left: Internal CPU clock.
Middle-right: External clock using U5 oscillator.

¿Is there any way to disable the Tsunami on boot?

Yes, there is a way. We will publish a little tool that does that, among other things like:

• If your kickstart detects all the fast ram, the tool does not do anything. If not, will patch the startup-secuence to use the addmem command.

• If it runs on the 020 with the tsunami unplugged, does not affect the system.

• If you push left ALT will disable the tsunami on boot (until you power off).

• Add some cool effect on boot.

Download here.

¿How do I install the RTC module on the Tsunami?

The Tsunami has a footprint at the bottom to install a 2.0mm 20 pin male connector that can be used to install an RTC clock (a1200 compatible). In order to use this, you will need to solder the connector and then, place the RTC module there. There will be a little batch of RTC modules specially designed for Tsunami that will include the male connector for soldering. (soon).

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